Dracula poster

Performed: November 2010, The Dolphins Hall
Dracula, The Panto, by Jim Sperinck. There will be nothing scary about it; all the traditional elements will be there, with good triumphing over evil.

With a Dracula who is more Camp than Count, a drippy Werewolf, a saucy Dame, a garlicky fairy, and the usual pair of idiots (a couple of cooks, who can't), this pantomime promises to be a recipe full of fun. The story is about Dracula trying to get a new, young bride but Fairy Garlic, with a lot of help from the Dame, Jack and the 'cooks', puts a stop to his evil plans and to ensure the audience get that extra pizzazz, Cirencester Creative Dance Academy (CCDA) will be providing some incredible dance routines including 'Thriller'.

The Dolphins Hall, New Church Street, Tetbury, Wednesday to Saturday, November 24-27 at 7.30pm with a Saturday matinee at 2.30pm. Tickets: adults £9, concessions £5 from Russells Dry Cleaners, Long Street, Tetbury.

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