Chicks and Dogs poster

Written and Directed by: Clive Renton
Evening Shows: Thursday 18th - Saturday 20th April; 7.30pm.



This year’s Dolphins Dramatic society spring performance is a new comedy (indeed, its the world premier of it!) called Chicks and Dogs 

Has anybody seen Buster? He is a boxer and has escaped from his owner, Julia Harptree, who thinks he may have wandered into the Watsons’ house, so she calls in there to look for him. David Watson is a geography teacher attempting to enjoy the school holidays, together with his wife Margaret and their teenagers Lydia and Oliver. Plain-speaking Julia is the mainspring in local activities and is organising an event to help the vicar raise funds for a charity that provides chickens for impoverished families in poorer parts of the world. Margaret has already agreed to help with this. David, however, is both unaware of his allotted role in the event and confused about the identity of Buster.

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