How to Submit

If you're wondering how the society goes about putting on a new production, we'll try and guide you through the process here!


First you need to choose what you'd like to put on - please send us an email (or via the Contact Us page) with some, or all of the following in it:

Name of the production and author
We really do need to know what the name of the proposed production is - and who the author is.
Rights and Script Availability
Please check and make sure that the amateur rights are available (and if possible, give an indication of the cost). Please also let us know where the script can be obtained from (eg Samuel French)
Brief Description
If you supply a brief summary of your proposed production, it'll help!
Casting requirements
Please let us know the number of parts for adult men, women and children/teenagers - and if any of the parts can be doubled up; we wouldn't want to have any problems casting it!
A general overview of what costumes you'd like to see - if you have any weird requirements (eg Giant Chicken Costume) this is where you tell us!
Unusual Expenditure
A catch all space for anything out of the ordinary - let us know if there's going to be something different here, and how much it'll cost!
Crew Requirements
What stage crew do you need to put the show on?
External Support
Need something different - dancers or the like? List it!
Set Changes
Simple; how many sets are you proposing to use, and how many changes will there be?
Any 'unusual' lighting plots required? Let us know...
Are there any unusual / difficult set requirements?
If your production revolves around anything out of the ordinary, say a scale model of the Golden Hind, please tell us (and how you think you can make it happen!)
Anything else?
Anything else you want to tell us about the production - put it in! The more you tell us, the more the members get to see when choosing what they'd like to do!

What happens next?

Once we have your submission, the committee will review it. We'll ask you questions on many of the things mentioned above, so the more detail you give us, the less we have to worry about.

After the review

After the submissions have been reviewed, they will be put emailed out to the whole society to read in advance.


At the production meeting, you will get to present your chosen production to the society - usually it will involve reading a couple of extracts, and answering questions about the production. The society then gets to vote on the presented submissions! If you're lucky, and your submission is chosen then congratulations (you then get to arrange auditions and everything else)! If you're unlucky, then try again next time!

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